Attracting Your Ideal Client

Knowing your perfect client is key to successful small business marketing. This webinar helps you to identify and create an ideal client profile so you can tailor your marketing efforts to them.


Creating an Ideal Client Profile

Full disclosure, we can’t take all the credit for developing this process. We borrowed from the folks at Hatchbuck. One of the reasons we became an Agency Partner with Hatchbuck is because they made the ideal client profile process easy. Download our Ideal Client Workbook to start the process as you follow along with the webinar. For those who prefer text over video, read my article Forget Target Market: You NEED an Ideal Client.

Step 1

Step 1: Look at your business.

  • Who do you absolutely love working with?
  • What type of work would you like to have more of?
  • Who purchases from you most often?
  • What type of customer makes the biggest purchases?
  • Who are the biggest drain on your resources?
  • What type of client terminates service or returns products most often?

Using your answers, look for common themes. When thinking about the customers you love working with or want more of, how would you describe them? These characteristics are your ideal client criteria and the basis for creating Buyer Profiles.

Step 2

Step 2: Craft an identity.

Buyer profiles turns ideal client criteria into real people. When preparing your profiles, give them a backstory. Ask questions like:

  • What is their name?
  • What is their age or stage in life?
  • Where do they live? What is their home life like?
  • Where do they work? What type of work do they do?
  • What is their level of education?
  • How does a typical day look?

Step 3

Step 3: Discover challenges.

Think about the difficulties your profile faces and use insights about the daily wins, struggles and processes to uncover what motivates them.

  • What problems does your persona have?
  • Where do their obstacles intersect with your expertise?
  • What specific challenges can you help them overcome?

Step 4

Step 4: Validate with market research.

Now that you have a rough draft of your buyer profile, revise with real-life data.

  • Meet with and interview clients or customers in person.
  • Send out an email survey. SurveyMonkey is easy to use and reasonably priced. The free version is all you need in most cases.
  • Make use of market research tools.

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